How to buy property in a week

even if you don't know where to start

The property market is crazy at the moment.  Good properties are selling fast, so buyers who aren’t ready to take action will continue to miss out.  In times like these, the difference between buying the property you want or missing out is not just about how much money you can offer.
Buyers need to be able to know how to select, assess and make an offer on properties within days of them coming on to the market.  Use the ‘How to buy property in a week’ guide to ensure you don’t miss out on your target property.
Access the How to Buy Property in a Week guide here

Homebuying Hazards - Avoid These Five Costly Traps

Know the the killer traps when buying your home in the current market, and how to avoid them no matter where the market heads next.
Access your guide here

Hold, Sell, Upgrade or Invest

What's best for you?

The property market is shifting gear, so what should you do? Is it time to hold, sell, upgrade or invest? Read this guide before you make a decision.
Access your guide here

How to select property that performs in any market


Whether you're buying your home or an investment, know the killer pieces of information you need to identify property that will continue to perform no matter where the market is heading.
Access your guide here

8 things you must know before you buy a property

Use this guide for insights into the key pieces of information every buyer should have before they make an offer on a property.
This information will help you sort the desirable from the troublesome options available on the market.
Access your guide here

How to make great property choices


The property market has changed offering both opportunities and traps for the unwary. Watch this webinar to gain insights into the following aspects of buying property now.
Access the webinar here

Buyer Success Checklist


The property buying process has never been so complex and so fast.
To be successful you need to cover a huge amount of information in a very short time. Use the Buyer Success Checklist to stay on track with each property you're assessing.
Access the checklist here

How to turn one property into two
= the best way to build a duplex WEBINAR


Whether you're thinking about actioning a duplex on an existing property, or thinking about buying a property that will accommodate a duplex, watch this game changing event which  will save you $thousands.
Access the webinar here