Looking to make great property decisions?


Select from our range of services.


I want you to buy for me

1on1 Property Mastery is a full buying service 'done for you' so you can stop wasting time and start enjoying your property sooner.
✔️ Buy the property you want for the best price without overpaying.

✔️ Avoid dealing with real estate agents.
✔️ Minimise risk and maximise success using our unique search approach.
✔️ Access a broader range of properties in your target area.
✔️ Stop wasting time on properties that will become a problem.
✔️ Includes full negotiation services and representation at auctions.
From : $12,000 + GST
All levels
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I want to know how to buy property successfully

If you want to buy property without stuffing it up, use the Buyer Success Program to outsmart your buying competition. There's a lot to consider at every stage of your property selection process. Gain insights into aspects of the process and other support here.
✔️ Tips and deep dives on pivotal aspects of property selection.
✔️ Access a knowledge base that spans the full spectrum of finding, assessing and negotiating property.
✔️ Flexible, modular approach - use what you need as you need it.
$599 per month
All levels
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Negotiation Navigator 

✔️ Investigate pricing, zoning, and neighbourhood impacts, and conduct value estimates.
✔️ Conduct pre-purchase primary due diligence.
✔️ Develop a buying strategy.
✔️ Access a broader range of properties in your target area.
✔️ Liaise with agents/sellers directly to negotiate purchase or bid at auction.
From : $3,500 + GST
Per property
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I want to build a portfolio that pays me $100,000+ per year

The Lifetime Income Property Portfolio service will help you build a property portfolio that pays you $100,000+ income per year – forever.
✔️ Easiest way to reach your target faster.
✔️ Achieve financial independence and take control of your financial future.
✔️ Equips you with a tailored plan and streamlines implementation.
 ✔️ Use the Property Agility Research Process to select best-of-breed purchases.
✔️ Buy any property, anywhere in Australia and some international purchases.
✔️ Access a team of experts across every aspect of the property market.
Tailored service (POA)
All levels
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I want you to help me sell and buy

For those who want to sell in one location and purchase another / a few properties elsewhere to create a rental income stream.
✔️ Full selling advocacy services including assessment of sales price, appointing an agent and support through the sale.
✔️ Outline acquisition plan and sequencing/purchase scenarios.
✔️ Search, assess, negotiate and acquire next purchase/s.
✔️ Recommendations for optimisation, and assistance shortlisting service providers.
From : $12,000 + GST

All levels

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Vendor Advocacy 

✔️ Independent pricing assessment
✔️ Identify opportunities to retain if relevant
✔️ Recommendations for repairs and preparation for sale
✔️ Shortlist sales agents and review service offerings
✔️ Support throughout the sales campaign
No cost
This service is tailored to your specific situation, so book a time to talk so we can discuss advice that meets your goals.
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Let's get started.

Despite all the information out there, it's important to get answers that really work for your specific situation. Gain real clarity so you can move on to your next achievement.
Lets talk.