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Land tax around Australia

Yes. I can hear you complaining. How boring is land tax? Well you will find it intensely interesting if you understand the thresholds and consider the implications when making your next property...

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Will the new housing targets impact you?

A new mystery is bubbling away in NSW, after the State Government announced it will deliver up to 30,000 ‘well-located’ affordable homes, close to infrastructure, transport and work...

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How to choose a great property manager

With housing supply in Australia becoming an increasingly thorny pain point, property managers are finally starting to be recognised for the pivotal part they play in the financial performance of...

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How to buy property without paying a Buyers Agent

If you’re trying to buy property at the moment, you’ll know that the market is tight . . and getting tighter.

The key issue is we don’t have enough properties to meet buyer...

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Property Buyers Need More Than Just Money

Property buyers are entering the market with increased confidence on the expectation that interest rates have reached their peak, but this year they’ll need more than just money to ensure...

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April 2024 reveals new leaders in property prices

The latest performance data shows home values remaining strong, lifting by 0.6 per cent nationwide in April. This matches the gains recorded in the previous two months and extends the upswing for...

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